I think this was my favorite present that I received for Christmas: a letter from my mother, which we opened and read here at home in Washington State. She is 2000 miles away in Wisconsin today. Here it is.
"Evidence of the existence of love is visible by smiles, hugs, kisses, words. It is invisible as well, evidenced by a warm feeling, a sweet memory, a safe haven in the midst of a bitter cold storm or a lonely place.
Love is not only received in a box tied with pretty ribbons, nor is it always a spoken thing.
You know that because of many difference circumstances, people do not know how to express or to show love. Sometimes it is not possible to afford, get about, buy, or know what to buy for a lovely gift. But the wonderful thing about love is that it is one of those invisible wonders (like the air we breathe) that can be given at any time or place.
So, I am sending you this card full of love. Don't worry if some spills out when you open the envelope -- it is jam-packed full and there is plenty for all of you. I should know. Why, even as I put a stamp on it there was so much of it, I wondered if it needed more postage applied.
Shake the envelope even after you think you have emptied it. More will spill out and maybe even expand to fill the room. What marvelous stuff is love! Also, do not worry about running out of love because it has always been known that it is magical and can be given and shared indefinitely and is just like dust that accumulates on furniture -- it keeps showing up.
When separated by time and miles, love can be sent at any hour from wherever you are without mail. phone, Skype, fax, or tweet. Every time I think of you, love is on its way from my heart to yours."