- Delayed Brilliance: Around 50% of those dissed need more time than the situation allows to come up with the perfect response. This could be from 2 minutes to 50 years. Who here has not seen their Grandpa on his deathbed scratch out with a shaky pen the words, “Tell that bastard Tom Smith I said, ‘Oh, yeah?? SEZ YOU, BUDDY!!’” The Delayed Brilliance person is often very frustrated, feeling they have missed every good opportunity they had in life by not being on top of things. All these people get terminal cancer.
- Mr/Ms Dozens: Five percent of people are wired for comebacks, and are lightening-fast, merciless, tireless, and clever, and we shall call them “Dozens-ers,” after the nickname given the respected African-American oral tradition of “yo mama!/no, YO mama!” The more the insult party goes on, the more amped they get, until they are running on nothing but racing adrenalin and the hooting admiration of the gathering crowds. Occasionally, Animal Control must be called in with a Bear Tranquilizing Gun to subdue the frothing Dozens-er, if they aren’t taken directly to a local comedy club. They are deft masters at not only quickly spotting the physical and mental flaws of their opponents, but also instantly figuring the best way to construct each comeback to dismantle their enemies, be it riffing on a retreating hairline, fundamental logic holes, or mothers.
- Deer-In-Deadlights: A full forty-five percent of you (higher in Red States and New Jersey), cannot think or speak well enough to construct any kind of retort that doesn’t involve punching, spitting, stabbing, shooting, swearing, hiding, crying, grunting, peeing, pooping, puking, or drooling. Prisons, bars, remote caves, and many branches of government are filled with these folks.