Well MY GOODNESS. Woke up, and did the usual, which is attempt to come to some kind of functional consciousness with the help of my fine Stumptown coffee, whilst managing emails, messages, requests, and demands, reading the news, thinking about what I would like to write about today, and skimming through the hundreds of Twitter items on my feed since I went to bed. I used to make fun of Twitter as a haven for pointless narcissism (not that there's anything wrong with that, as we can see), but I was (conditionally) wrong. It's ALL about the "follow." Who gets news first? That would be ME, via the breaking news alerts on Twitter from the New York Times, CNN, and many others. Who gets to to hear about concert presales first or new videos/songs the second they are released? Again, that ME, via following local promoters and clubs, music sites, as well as the bands themselves. Who gets insight into a whole world of cool weirdness and beauty, just by paying attention as I sip my delicious creamy caffeine? That...is ME. All going by at 140 characters or less, all day, every day, as I can pop in and out. THINGS! Let me tell you about today.
This Friday began with a photo Tweeted by Flaming Lips' frontman Wayne Coyne's lovely wife Michelle. Here is Wayne performing his morning yoga. WHY NOT?:
Then, I am delighted to hear from @muzzleofbees that a swell bunch of Wisconsin musicians have just released Wisco: A Tribute To Wilco’s Summerteeth.
Wisconsin? Wilco? YES! Click on the link and you get more info on the project, streaming links, and a hq download link, with a gentle ask to contribute if you please, AND I DO PLEASE, to the Wisconsin Humane Society.
Then --THEN!-- @Mynorthwest puts out a Tweet saying to re-tweet to the #bumbershoot hashtag with the name of the band playing at this weekend's huge Bumbershoot festival you would most like to see for a chance to win two 3-day passes to the whole damn thing. Easy enough -- that's @thedandywarhols, so that's what I do, and I go back to some other task for awhile. When I check back on Twitter...HOLY CRAP, I WON! WOOOOOOOOOOO! WON! WOOOOOOOOOOO! I really did go WOOOOO too. A flurry of messages and phone calls ensues, as the tickets must be picked up in Seattle prior to 4PM. CouchTeen and his gf are pressed into service to cross over shiny Lake Washington, with the enticement of their choice of day to attend the festival themselves. JUST ONE DAY THOUGH. I GET THE OTHERS.
Many, many thanks to My Northwest and KIRO, Muzzle of Bees and all the great musicians featured on "Wisco," The Coynes of Oklahoma, and Twitter. Should be some weekend!