I am very pleased today to deliver to my daughter one of the two presents she asked me to get her for her upcoming 10th birthday next month: plane tickets to Florida (I'll work on that, dearie), and for me to set up a new photoblog for her to showcase her nature photographs. She often sets out on her own with my iPhone or one of the many point-and-shoot cameras we have around here to find interesting things to snap, and she really gravitates towards the outdoors. She often finds details and perspectives that are, I think, unique and cool, and I am proud of her good work.
So, Happy Birthday Early, my girl, and here is "All Flowers Have A Story!"
You may click HERE to peruse the site for yourself if you like, and there are buttons to click to follow by RSS or email, or share the site or individual photos on Twitter, Facebook, or other places on the interhappenings. She loves comments and photo tips, so please feel free to give them there! (Mama moderates all of those, by the way, ya, you betcha.)
I'm looking forward to more of her photos 'cause, hey, I'm a fan.