OK OK OK OK OK. Just STOP what you are doing RIGHT NOW and set aside SIX FULL MINUTES to ponder what I am about to pass on to you. Watch this entire video and you may agree with me and many others that this performance of Guns 'N Roses "Sweet Child 'O Mine" by a shirtless Brazilian "band" might be the worst cover version EVER MADE.
Where do I begin? The doot-doot-doot rambling of our pseuso-Slash? The no-countable-beat time-warping drumming? The relentless screeching tunelessness of Pudgy Axl Rose? At no time during this song could anyone actually be listening to one another, or they would experience severe inner-ear disturbances and fall to the floor in confusion and possibly seizures.
I think (pause for breathless excitement gasp) we may have the male version of the Shaggs here. Oh boy!!
The Brazilian Boys Rock Orchestra, "Sweet Child 'O Mine"