Are birds weirder and funnier than the goats I often feature on this humble internet repository? Well, I'll leave that up to you to decide for yourself with today's video featurette! BIRDS!
This insanely proactive owl actually transforms its features according to the size and type of Other Threatening Owl it faces, from Paula Deen with Graves Disease to Dracula. He needs his own show.
Transformer Owl
These tic-ridden Birds of Paradise seem like the Loonies of the bird world. Ladies drive them crazy.
Birds of Paradise
Here is a bird that sounds like a hip hop DJ.
DJ Bird
I'm not sure what this Laotian bird is mimicking. Sounds like a ditto machine to me.
Laos Bird
But Best Mimic Award has to go to Mr. Lyre Bird.
Lyre Lyre
My favorite bizarre bird of all time is certainly the Great Argus Pheasant. Look how he's a jerk to the tiny lil ol Mouse Deer!
Great Argus vs. Mouse Deer
But I love the Great Argus MOST because of its OBNOXIOUS NOISE. I love this video.
Great Argus Is SO LOUD
And, just because, I'll end with a goat, which is not, to my knowledge, a bird, and SO WHAT.
Screaming Goat