Discount store! Hello!
We meet again, post-dinner
I have had sake.
Pretty platform heels
I love you all, yet I know
I cannot wear you.
Asian Man! Move on!
Your sideways cart is blocking
Me from bras, dammit!
I have no need for
A single dining room chair
And don't know who does.
Bath sheet! So fluffy!
Yet I know that with one wash
Your fluff shall be snuffed.
Lady looking in
Size 2, I hope you have a
Daughter; you are 12.
My god! Everything
Is so ugly tonight, like
Lucifer threw up.
I consider jeans
The Pull Test is enacted
Not enough spandex.
My daughter brings an
Orange neon skirt to buy
"Duck hunting?" I ask.
Ninety dollars! What?
I hardly bought anything!
Lucifer chuckles.