Today I went into Seattle to see a 13 minute and 29 second set by Say Hi, which is a group, which is really a dude named Eric Elbogen who gets some help from two other dudes when he plays live. KEXP, the grand independent radio station out of Seattle that you really should check out (see link to the side, lazy ass), has a Capitol Hill membership appreciation day today and tonight, with live bands and discounts in the neighborhood for members LIKE ME, and Say Hi were set to play at the un-rock hour of 11:30AM. This is nothing but good for me, as the kids were in school and I was somewhat awake. The last load of white laundry would have to JUST WAIT.
I got to the second floor of Cafe Vitta with five minutes to spare until the band began. To my right was a group of rather small schoolchildren, practicing covering their ears with their hands. If I had my set of Hear-O earplugs, I gladly would have given them to the group, or even if I had kleenex to wad up in their little ears, I would have helped wad. I asked their teacher where they were from -- Alternative School #1, in the Northgate area of Seattle. Well, that is pretty damn awesome, says me, so rock on AS #1, I salute you.
I first heard Say Hi on SIRIUS XMU a few months ago with the very catchy song, "Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh." Yes, that's 8 Ohs. I was very intrigued and encouraged to find out that Mr. Elbogen records his music on a Mac, OMG JUST LIKE ME. Now, he is a whole lot better than beginner computer recorder me, but I felt a little kinship there. I wanted to see how a completely solo guy doing everything into a Mac translated his stuff to the live stage. Here's the answer:
Say Hi -- "Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh"
Say Hi -- "Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh,"
I was a little surprised that he went as basic as he did -- just one guitar, one bass, and one drum set. It sounded good, and I had a very fun 13 minutes and 29 seconds rocking out. Everyone seemed happy. How nice is that. Thanks, Say Hi and KEXP!