I hope everyone is having a pleasant and reflective Memorial Day across the United States. Do something nice for a veteran today! When you come back from doing that, you can look at these odd things and reflect in a wholly different way. Please to enjoy!
This was on sale for TEN CENTS and STILL ended up at the thrift store.
Hey...has anyone seen my blush? It's missing.
Give me forty seconds to fix my car and get the hell away from those red-suited cowboy truckers!
USA! USA! USA! (seasonal only)
These owls sit in SEVERE judgment of Clueless Frog.
Ladies and gents, please welcome Janusz Gniatkowski...on the surface of the moon!!
Oh, dear. This is really quite creepy now.
I am confused by everything here. There's a Doggone Awful Lot Of questions I could ask, like what to the 3M Music Makers sound like and do they have any extra Post-It Notes, why does a poem require their services, and what the hell is "It???"
NOOOOOOOO, Clown, no! A bunny is NOT a fish!!