For some reason I was just thinking about those salesmen at the mall who used to play the organ at the entrance of the Lowrey Organ Store. What a job. Show up in your Sansabelt brown plaid slacks, shiny brown wingtips, white short sleeved button-down shirt, grease back your hair with VO-5, and play Carpenters songs on the E-Z-Play Organ all day long for people passing by. All. Day. Long. Offering a free set of 10 organ lessons THAT’S FREE FOLKS with purchase THIS WEEK ONLY! ONLY $10 a month and this amazing instrument even a toddler can play can be yours!
How many people took the bait from Mr. Organ Man, as he effortlessly coaxed a virtual symphony out of that thing? The good folks, feeling like musicality was in their grasp at last, played it for a week and abandoned it in the living room, a dust-catcher for the rest of time. It is a great American story.
I see the Organ Man as a single guy who lived alone, ate Swanson Turkey tv dinners and drank cheap rye whiskey most every night and watched boxing on the set until the Indian head test pattern came on and he fell asleep in the Barcalounger. I salute you, Organ Man. Rock on.