The first full day of festival festivities continues at Austin Psych Fest 2013! In Part One of Day One, I saw Gary War's one-man shredding machine, the ultra-fun, totally rocking, and adorable Bass Drum Of Death, the Canadian coolness of The Besnard Lakes, and the multi-faceted sound of VietNam, and the day had just started!
Now imagine me coming back up the hill from the lovely Elevation Amphitheater looking like a pack mule with about a prazillion pounds of camera gear on me to hear this intoxicating blend of driving rock and Middle-Eastern sinewy slink. The music was both relaxing and invigorating, and just what I needed at that moment. I looked over to the big Reverberation Stage and it was populated by men dressed in traditional ancient desert robes. Check out Tinariwen and read about their fascinating musical and political history. (Click on the photos to enlarge and click on the Flickr links for more photos!)
(Tinariwen Flickr set)
My multi-national groove continued with a trek back to the Elevation Amphitheater to see New Zealand ex-pat Tamaryn and band who kept all eyes onstage with her striking looks and sweet shoegaze sound, reminding me of (a not-quite-so-loud) My Bloody Valentine.
(Tamaryn Flickr set)
As darkness came over the Carson Creek Ranch, the four young women who make up Warpaint took over the Reverberation Stage. The super-psychedelic lighting against the midnight-blue sky was perfect for their part-punk, part-lysergic songs, and the crowd loved them. I loved their confidence and command of the stage, too.
(Warpaint Flickr set)
The Raveonettes are a Danish band that have been in the States for many years now, but I still think of them as having a core Scandinavian coolness. They were perfectly placed on the aptly-named Reverberation Stage, and uniquely combine elements of early-'60s Wall Of Sound pop with the gritty elements of garage music and punk. I would die for Sharon Foo's hair.
(Raveonettes Flickr set)
If you've been reading Popthomology for awhile, you will know that I am a huuuuuuge fan of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. I've seen them now in five different states over the years, and their headlining slot at this year's Austin Psych Fest was a big reason I made the push to attend the event this year. I know it wasn't only me -- I saw and met many other BRMC fans who traveled to see them, too.
I had never been able to shoot the band before with my pro gear, so I was VERY excited to get the chance to do so this time, to say the least. BRMC's music is close to my heart, so it was personally important to me that I do the best job I possibly could with the photographic opportunity presented at APF. I am very happy with the results, and I hope you like them, too. As always, I loved their set -- intense in mood and feeling and texture, rooted in old blues traditions, British shoegaze, and fearless, raw expression.
(BRMC Flickr set)
Day Two of Austin Psych Fest up next!!
(Update: click HERE for final post with ALL my APF 2013 links!)