You know this song, because it is awesome -- one of the greatest psychedelic hard rock songs ever recorded, and a game-changing masterpiece. It's one of my very favorites. I bought it in 1968 on 45 when it came out (the radio edit length, of course), still have it, and still turn this WAY UP LOUD when it comes on the radio.
The Chambers Brothers, "Time Has Come Today"
Now, I want you to read this.
That gold record is being held by Lester Chambers, the vocalist on the Chambers Brothers' "Time Has Come Today," and those are his own handwritten, heartbreaking words. His story is sadly all-too-common in the music business world, and especially so with minority artists.
I could go on a rant about corporate greed and the utterly shameful way so many artists have been treated throughout their careers, but instead let's just cut to the chase and make something good happen. Sweet Relief is a well-regarded charity that helps professional musicians in dire need of assistance -- please take a moment to read about what they do and how they do it here. And then for the love of all that is RELENTLESS COWBELL and MASSIVE ROCK, go HERE and donate a little dinero directly to Lester himself via the organization. I did.
Thank you, Lester. Peace.